Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wasting film... naughty

Lonely Park bench somewhere in Perth. Perth has a lot of water, and a lot of parks with a lot of green grass. Perth is a nice place, so nice, i might go live there one day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


THANK YOU for the cancer

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

well, why the heck not.

Since life is going nowhere, might as well throw in some things that i haven't done lately.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Bit dark from contact sheet.

Couldn't resist taking this, mum was rather confused when I yelled at her to wait for me in the middle of Perth city. I enjoyed it immensely.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Don't actually know if I like this one yet.
Will have to wait till I get into the dark room to see how it looks a little bigger.

Couple, Fremantle Docks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I really liked Fremantle. It was big and full of nice things. Like this here shed, building, piece of architecture.

I didn't think I was a fan of photographing buildings. But when one with this much texture comes into your sights, what else can you do?

Can't wait to get this in the dark room for enlarging and cropping etc.

I think the sun was rather setting at this point, so a slow shutter speed was probably use, I really cant remember and I should write it all down. But thats me, lazy

More Trees?

Trees In Kings Park, Perth.

To take a photograph of these trees, my family made me climb Jacobs Ladder. Any of you who have done this whilst suffering from the flu, would know my pain. It hurt. I think I stopped breathing for a while there. I got there and it was well worth the pain. The view over Perth, The Swan River and South Perth was glorious.

Sometimes I forget how big the world is.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


At the docks in Fremantle.

I have decided that not having adequate programs for cropping etc is an actual pain in the butt. One should never be without software.

Can't wait to actually print some of these shots to get exposure and contrast etc right. Should be an interesting venture.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I recently went on a family holiday to Perth.
I will show some photographs

Here are pictures of palm trees near the Swan river in Perth city.

I am currently with out photographic paper. So these will mainly be scanned from the contact prints... then probably cut out using powerpoint. Coz thats how I roll.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is the start of something BIG


Art or anything. Photographs mainly. Thats what I do you see.

You will see it all soon enough.